Morocco and Britain during the war of the Spanish succession, (en.) 9-23 |
Colonial minorities: Jewish-Muslim relation in Southern Morocco re-evaluated, (en.) 25-40 |
The invention of Moroccan Islam, (en.) 41-58 |
De l'historiographie coloniale a l'historicisme national ou comment le Maghreb fut inventé, (fr.) 59-79 |
The Maghrebi character in French cinema: from external colonial to internal postcolonial subject, (en.) 81-105 |
L'historie du chanvre au Maghreb, (fr.) 107-141 |
Prelude to the Tetouan war (1859). Part II, Correspondance respecting the Spanish Moroccan conflict about Ceuta Frontier, (en. 145-313 |
Manzuma fi fawa’idi na’na’, li Abi Muhammad °abd el-Wahab ben Ahmad ’Adarraq al-Fasi, (ar.) 9-27 |
Ahmad al Mansur The Beginnings of Modern Morocco. Coll. Makers of the Muslim World, Oxford, Oneworld Publications, 2009, (Mohamed Houbaida) 317-320 |
Histoire du Maroc. De Moulay Idris à Mohamed VI. Paris, Fayard, 2012. (Abdelahad Sebti) 321-324 |
Tempête sur Alger. I'expédition de Charles Quint en 1541. Paris, Editions Bouchéne, 2011, (Abdelahad Sebti) 325-327 |
Madinat ar-Ribat fi al-qarn at-lasi ‘ashar (I818-1912). Jawanib min al-hayat al-ijtimaiya wa al-iqtisadiya. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de Rabat, 2012. (Brahim Boutaleb) 329-332 |
La bienvenue et l’adieu. Migrants juifs et musulmans au Maghreb. XV“-XX” siécles, 3 volumes. Editions La Croisée des Chemins et Karthala, Casablanca et Paris, 2012. (Daniel Rivet) 333-338 |
Revisiting The Colonial Past in Morocco. Routledge, London-New York, 2013. (Brahim Boutaleb), (ar.) 31-36 |
Al-Maarifa attibiyya wa Tarikh al-Amradfi al-Magharib, (Boujemaa Rouyan), (ar) 37-40 |